Essentially, YA books are an escape for all people of every age and gender. They let us know we're not alone. They allow us to think and feel and understand things we've never even considered before. I love YA because vampires sparkle and give themselves completely to one girl, because a teenage girl is so dedicated to protecting her best friend that she's willing to kill numerous undead monsters. Because small towns become places filled with intricate tunnels and secrets. Because the impossible becomes possible. People transform before our eyes. Each book leaves fingerprints on our hearts. Characters are young, full of life, and not jaded. They're experiencing firsts, lasts, and everything in between. In YA, anything is possible, which kind o makes me believe that anything is possible in life.
But one of my favorite things is that YA brought together this whole community of YA-lovers. Sure there are are some rotten apples in the bunch, but for the most part, true, dedicated YA-lovers are kind, genereous, and always looking to share the love.
YA has helped me get through so many rough times and captivated me from the very first YA book I read. I was enraptured by the various different worlds that various different creatures were able to exist in. Sparkling vampires, brain lesions, fallen angels, dark casters and light casters. All of it is so amazing. The possibilities are endless. Sure, there are some books that seem to almost replicate the "popular" books, but there are some gold mines out there that just utterly blow my mind.
Why do you love YA?